Home Mitie Foundation

Mitie Foundation

The Mitie Foundation exists to provide varied life opportunities for disadvantaged groups within the communities we are proud to operate in. Our initiatives change minds, raise aspirations and remove barriers, opening ways in to sustainable employment. In doing so we attract the very best potential, enriching the diversity of our workforce.


candidates have completed our Ready2Work programme


of candidates have gained a job via our Ready2Work programme


volunteering days facilitated by the Foundation


people released from prison introduced to local employers

Our Vision

A registered charity, our vision is to improve employment chances for people with barriers to employment. We harness the skills and expertise of our workforce, our clients and our supply chain to support people of all backgrounds towards improved career chances.

Our focus

In order to provide routes into sustainable careers, our focus is on employment, education and enterprise.

Ready2Work is a structured eight week programme, aimed at supporting individuals facing barriers to employment. Through meaningful work experience, Ready2Work gives candidates exposure to Mitie and our clients. Our tailored approach enables individuals to upskill and rebuild confidence, within a supportive environment.

The completion of the programme provides a route in to sustainable employment. To date, 78% of candidates that have completed the programme have gone on to secure employment.

We deliver a variety of sessions in schools, aimed at raising aspirations and increasing employability skills. We also deliver innovative business challenge day events in both prisons and the communities we operate in to increase the job prospects of those attending.

Schools Programme:
By developing key relationships with partner schools in socially deprived areas, we increase awareness of Mitie and the opportunities within the facilities management sector. Students gain employability skills and enhance their career aspirations, helping to shape tomorrows workforce.

Prison Programme:
By working collaboratively with partnered prisons, we increase the employment prospect and aspirations of those serving a custodial sentence. Business Challenge Days showcase the talent available within prisons, changing minds and creating opportunities.

Mitie’s entrepreneurial roots and wide skill-base means that our volunteers offer fantastic support to our chosen Social Enterprise partners. People with barriers to employment often find volunteering or working for a not-for-profit Social Enterprise is a useful first step toward paid employment. Mitie people support with their time, their expertise, their contact lists, supply chain and client support.

Social Value & Responsible Business

The work of the Mitie Foundation supports our Social Value ambitions.

Find out more

How can we help?

If you’re looking for more information, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, then you’ve come to the right place.

Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.

If you have a supplier enquiry, please visit our dedicated portal on www.mitiesuppliers.com